
100% taaskasutatud materjalist masinkile

We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation

Ecoprindis on innovatsioon ja jätkusuutlikkus kaks põhiväärtust, mis suunavad meie igapäevast tegevust. Püüame pidevalt leida viise, kuidas edasi areneda. Selle aasta alguses astusime suure sammu jätkusuutlikkuse poole, kui võtsime kasutusele 30% PCR (post-consumer recycled) ümbertöödeldud plastitoorest valmistatud hübriidmasinkile. See oli küll oluline muutus, kuid teadsime, et

maailmakoristuspäev 2024

World Cleanup Day 2024

Juba teist aastat järjest korraldame Maailmakoristuspäeva raames oma töötajatega ühise koristuspäeva. Sellel aastal otsustasime koristuspäeva ühendada tervisematkaga. Seda ikka selleks, et saada kollektiiviga töörutiinist eemale, teha head oma vaimsele tervisele ning hoida Eesti loodus puhtana. Seekord valisime koristamise kohaks Ilmatsalu-Kärevere linnutee matkaraja. Meil on hea meel tõdeda, et

monomaterjalist pakendid

What is monomaterial packaging?

Consumers are increasingly opting for eco-friendly and straightforward packaging solutions made from a single material. Monomaterial packaging consists of just one material, making it easier to recycle and reuse. This is precisely what our planet requires right now: innovative packaging solutions that contribute to reducing our environmental footprint. Manufacturing


Our people: Sales Assistant Maili

Maili's journey in printing began at Tallinn Side School (now Tallinn Polytechnic School), where she studied printing. In 2000, Maili was sent to Ecoprint for an internship. Much to our delight, she has been with Ecoprint since January 2001. For the first 15 years, Maili worked

uued keskkonnasõbralikud pakkematerjalid

We have adopted new environmentally friendly materials

As a responsible printing company, we genuinely wish to operate sustainably in our daily work. At Ecoprint, we continually seek ways to reduce the ecological footprint of the materials we use in production. Below, we proudly introduce two new packaging materials that reflect our commitment to


Our people: warehouse manager Ketlin

Ketlin started working at Ecoprint in the position of post-processor in March 2012. Ketlin has always been very precise and accurate in her work, being demanding both towards herself and others. For Ketlin, there are no shades of gray. As confirmation of all this, Ketlin has now


Our people: Post processing and packaging operator Liia

Liia has already been with us for two years as of last month. She is a very positive and friendly colleague. When asked whether the glass is half full or half empty, Liia's response is that the glass is always overflowing. Instead of complaining, Liia

margus trükkimas

Our people: Printer Margus

It feels as if Margus has been with us since the beginning. Writing about him today, we are surprised to realize that he has only been a part of the Ecoprint's team for two years. Margus is a colleague overflowing with positivity and delightful energy. He