
ESG strateegia

Ecoprint’s ESG strategy

Globally, the concept of sustainable and responsible business revolves around striking a balance between environmental, social, and governance considerations. This approach, often referred to as ESG, encompasses three key pillars: E - Environmental: Prioritizing environmental protection and minimizing negative impacts on the planet. S - Social: Upholding

ecoprindi tegevjuht margo

Our people: CEO Margo

Ecoprint emerged from the merger of three distinct printing companies. One of these companies was Guttenberg, where Margo, one of the founders, began his journey in 1996. Since 2015, Margo has served as Ecoprint's CEO. Margo possesses an admirable ability to remain calm under pressure. He firmly believes that any obstacle can be

monomaterjalist pakendid

What is monomaterial packaging?

Consumers are increasingly opting for eco-friendly and straightforward packaging solutions made from a single material. Monomaterial packaging consists of just one material, making it easier to recycle and reuse. This is precisely what our planet requires right now: innovative packaging solutions that contribute to reducing our environmental footprint. Manufacturing

projektijuht Leana

Our people: Project Manager Leana

Leana is one of the longest-serving employees at Ecoprint. She first joined us in May 2003. In 2010, she took a one-year break and has been working as a project manager at Ecoprint since June 2011. As a project manager, Leana is strict, precise, and always demanding

ecoprindi töötajad rattamatkal otepääl

Bike Ride and Employee Training

May is Environmental Month and we also celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Green Print brand We thought it was the perfect time to spend a busy but enjoyable day with the team. We started with an environmental training session for employees and ended with a bike


Our people: Sales Assistant Maili

Maili's journey in printing began at Tallinn Side School (now Tallinn Polytechnic School), where she studied printing. In 2000, Maili was sent to Ecoprint for an internship. Much to our delight, she has been with Ecoprint since January 2001. For the first 15 years, Maili worked

uued keskkonnasõbralikud pakkematerjalid

We have adopted new environmentally friendly materials

As a responsible printing company, we genuinely wish to operate sustainably in our daily work. At Ecoprint, we continually seek ways to reduce the ecological footprint of the materials we use in production. Below, we proudly introduce two new packaging materials that reflect our commitment to

ecoprintile väljastati ISO sertifikaat.sertifikaadi väljastas metrosert

Ecoprint is once again certified according to ISO standards

In March 2024, the certification body Metrosert issued internationally recognized ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates to Ecoprint. The presence of these certificates provides customers with confidence that they are dealing with a reliable and responsible partner. Additionally, they help improve the efficiency of the

müügidirektor Siim

Our people: Sales Manager Siim

Siim joined Ecoprint in the autumn of 2021. This year's Labor Day marks Siim's 14th year since he first started working in the printing industry. For the past two and a half years, he has been sharing his experiences with us. He is a dedicated sales director

pakendi pakkumine

Packaging Offer – What Does It Include?

Since Ecoprint's product portfolio is wide and each product is tailored to the customer, a general price list has not been established. The company's sales team uses various components in creating collaboration offers, resulting in an environmentally friendly printed product. Below, we would like to