
Our quality and environmental management system has been established according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 requirements that facilitates the functioning of the management system.

Quality Policy:

  • Establish short-term and long-term goals and monitor their achievement.
  • Train employees and involve them in the development of the company and its services.
  • Provide services and develop products based on customer expectations and needs.
  • Keep up with technological innovations to achieve customer satisfaction and the company’s business goals.
  • Comply with applicable laws and other legal norms in the Republic of Estonia that regulate the company’s activities, products, and services.

Environmental Policy:

  • Commute to work in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Use as little paper as possible.
  • Store documents digitally.
  • Purchase office supplies consciously.
  • Reuse office supplies.
  • Sort waste.
  • Prefer reusable dishes.
  • Reduce energy consumption.
  • Reduce water consumption.
  • Produce in an environmentally friendly way.
  • Clean up our digital environment regularly.


Through environmental labels, we offer our customers the opportunity to stand out from their competitors and demonstrate care for nature to the end consumer.

green print

In 2003, along with the Estonian Fund for Nature we developed an environmentally friendly printing service. A year later, we registered the Green Print trademark so that it can be used only on printed matter produced by Ecoprint.

  • Printing inks based on natural resins and oils.
  • Recycled or certified printing paper.
  • Environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies.
fsc sertifikaat

The FSC®️ checkmark logo on the paper is a guarantee that the product uses wood from sustainable sources; helping conserve and protect forests, wildlife, and people. Ecoprint owns a sertificate FSC®️ SCS-COC-007924.

All the wood is tracked from the forest to the store. Every link between the forest and the consumer is certified to make it clearly identifiable which wood is FSC®️ certified and which is not.

roheline energia 100% taastuvenergia

From the beginning of 2024, Ecoprint purchases only energy sources with a 100% renewable certificate of origin, mainly solar, wind and hydropower.

ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management. The presence of the certificate demonstrates the company’s commitment to quality and improving customer satisfaction.

ISO 14001 is an international standard for environmental management systems. The presence of the certificate confirms that the company is dedicated to providing sustainable services and reducing environmental impact.


Over the years, we’ve received a number of prestigious awards that show we’re on the right track and our green steps are being noticed.

Environmental Award of the Year in the category of environmental management systems.
Environmental Award of the Year in the category of environmental management systems and environmentally friendly products.
Environmental Award of the Year in the category of environmentally friendly production processes.
Recycling Award of the Year
EBAE finalist, one of the three best environmental management systems in Europe in the category of small enterprises.
European Union’s environment management systems first award in the category of small enterprises.


Conductiong a green audit at Ecoprint

Ecoprint underwent a comprehensive green audit, during which the company’s green credentials, climate impact and circularity of the business model fit were analyzed. As a result of the mapping and prioritization of development opportunities, roadmaps until the end of 2025 were developed.

The green audit has provided Ecoprint with the necessary insight into the company’s sustainability and capability to address environmental impacts, including through the assessment of its greenhouse gas footprint and the analysis of its organisation and processes.

Based on the results and recommendations, the company can improve current processes in a more sustainable way and implement new development activities, contributing to sustainable production and the promotion of the business model.


The project was funded from the resources of the European Union’s NextGenerationEU recovery fund.

Project cost: €21 480

Grant amount: €10 000

Tootmisettevõtte ärimudeli muutmise toetus

Project “AS Ecoprint ressursitõhususe investeering”

Funded by The Environmental Investment Centre

Watch the video: Eesti Keskkonnaministeerium. (2022). Ressursitõhususe investeering: Ecoprint

Project “E-GO-PRINT”

Funded by the European Regional Development Fund