What does the FSC® label on the packaging mean?

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What does the FSC® label on the packaging mean?

How to set your products apart and become noticed by ever more aware consumers?

FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) certification is an international sustainable management standard. It ensures our clients that the packaging they ordered has been produced in a sustainable manner, respecting the ecological, social, and economic value of the forests.

Since the first day we began operating, we have promoted sustainable production. In 2004, Ecoprint became the first FSC® certified printing company in Estonia.

The FSC® certification shows that the product has been made using wood from forests matching very strict criteria. The criteria are:

  • responsible forestry
  • preservation of the forest biodiversity
  • protection of rights and work conditions of the forestry workers.

The FSC® logo on your product’s packaging can both increase brand attractiveness as well as sales. If you want to stand out among competitors and show your clients that you care about sustainable forestry, choose FSC® certified material for your products.

Labels contain important information both on the producer as well as the product itself. Each label includes a code connected to a certain company, which enables one to check the validity of the certification. In addition, the label shows:

  1. whether certified material has been used to make the product itself or only the packaging, or
  2. whether the product is made completely or partially of FSC® certified material.

The FSC® certification may only be used by the companies and organisations whose entire supply chain has received the corresponding affirmation, down to every single link. We at Ecoprint are sincerely proud to be a member of the FSC® family for almost 20 years.