Our people: Pre-press specialist Heigo

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Our people: Pre-press specialist Heigo

Heigo applied for and took up a designer’s job at Ecoprint in late 2007. Today, he is a pre-press specialist.

Heigo is a very thorough person, demanding a great deal from both himself and others. His philosophy is: “Give the hungry a fishing rod rather than a fish”.

If your life were a film, what would it be called?

That’s a difficult question. Isn’t my life actually like a film? Some might find it boring, but not me. That’s My Life.

If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A food I would eat for the rest of my life should be healthy and contain everything tasty that I like.

If you could travel in time, would you travel to the past or the future?

The future. It would be exciting to see what awaits us, what’s going to happen and how we will deal with it all.

If you could invent a rule that everyone had to follow for one day, what would it be?

I’m not sure that everything should go by rules. There are always exceptions and the exception proves the rule. If there has to be a rule, it should be one that is suitable and understandable by everyone equally.