Design influences the packaging’s sustainability


Design influences the packaging’s sustainability

Beauty and quality are not enough in modern packaging design. A growing number of consumers are interested in how various forms of packaging are produced. Thinking green, such as choosing an environmentally friendly and carbon footprint reducing option when designing packaging has been gaining importance. 

As of 1 May 2023, Estonia has banned placing single-use plastic products and oxo-degradable plastic* products on the market. This has forced companies to become creative and carefully think about the packaging of their products. The packaging material is a very important environmental aspect.

The packaging’s recyclability is decided in the design phase. Even though, in theory, all packaging is recyclable, only approximately 50% of packaging waste in Europe is recycled every year. This percentage can be raised by using a packaging material identification system (abbreviations and numbers). The packaging should include a mark that shows which material the packaging is made of. This simplifies the management of packaging waste and helps the consumer in sorting the packaging by types.

Our designers help clients work out various environmentally friendly packaging solutions. In addition to the linear economic model (take-make-dispose), one needs to think how to:

  • recycle the product
  • extend the packaging’s service life
  • reduce the material costs.

The definition of a quality design has changed — a truly great product is one that is designed with others in mind. This is the principle we at Ecoprint adhere to when making packaging.

*plastic that contains additives which cause its degradation into microparticles