Our people: logistic/warehouse worker Anneli


Our people: logistic/warehouse worker Anneli

Anneli joined our team as a post-processing operator in March 2012. But we met much earlier, when she had a temporary job at Ecoprint while still at school.

Anneli is always very dedicated to her work. This is indicated by her consistency and willingness to always tackle new challenges that require responsibility. Anneli is now working at the logistics department.

Your colleagues respect you because you are precise and responsible.

Thank you, Anneli, for the 11 years you have been with us!

What is the first thing you do in the morning?

I wake up the coffee maker.

Which song title/lyrics describe your life the most accurately?

Suvi kestab veel (Summer’s Not Over) (Shanon Cover) by Elumees

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Making time stand still, so I could get more done.

Which actress should play you in a film about your life?

Grete Kuld, she is crazy enough to play my character.

If you were to travel to a desert island, who would you take with you, out of your colleagues?

All my current and former colleagues, the more the merrier!