Author: Ecoprint

Astangu Kutserehabilitatsiooni Keskus,

What materials should you use for your product’s packaging?

The product’s packaging influences its quality and plays an important role in marketing. The packaging material must correspond to the product’s needs while also being environmentally friendly, cost efficient and protect the product. We recommend corrugated paper or cardboard packaging for products. These materials can be


Design influences the packaging’s sustainability

Beauty and quality are not enough in modern packaging design. A growing number of consumers are interested in how various forms of packaging are produced. Thinking green, such as choosing an environmentally friendly and carbon footprint reducing option when designing packaging has been gaining importance.  As

taim metsas

Show that you care about nature with the help of environmental labels

Some labels signify the quality of a product; in the printing industry, these are environmental labels. Notwithstanding their type, ecolabels serve common goals: promoting products the use of which reduces the negative impact on the environment facilitating the efficient use of natural resources improving the environmental awareness of consumers

metsas kasvavad puud

Verified raw material guarantees the quality of the outcome

Nowadays, paper is mainly produced from chemical pulp. Chemical pulp is obtained from fast-growing tree species like aspen, birch, pine and spruce. Mature trees of the right age are felled, delimbed, and cut into logs with a proper length, then transported to pulpwood purchasers, whose

projektijuht Marge oma töölaua taga

Our people: Project Manager Marge

Last year was Marge’s 25th work anniversary at Ecoprint. Marge is the most precious asset our company has! We tip our hats to Marge, who has stayed with us through thick and thin for a quarter of a century. Flexibility, emotional balance, knowing how to be caring

trükijuht kaimar valmistan akna all, oma töölaua taga trükinimekirja

Our people: Print manager Kaimar

Ecoprint is the result of a merger of three printing businesses. One of them was Guttenberg, and Kaimar was one of its founders. Therefore, we can say his journey at Ecoprint already began in 1996. Kaimar works with great dedication and has fantastic development ability. It

trükiettevalmistuse spetsialist Heigo

Our people: Pre-press specialist Heigo

Heigo applied for and took up a designer’s job at Ecoprint in late 2007. Today, he is a pre-press specialist. Heigo is a very thorough person, demanding a great deal from both himself and others. His philosophy is: “Give the hungry a fishing rod rather than

stantsija Tarvi

Our people: Die cutting machine operator Tarvi

Tarvi joined Ecoprint as a post-processing operator in May 2018 after his military service. He is very friendly and responsible, a great colleague whom you can always rely on. Tarvi is a fast learner and has excellent mechanical aptitude, thanks to which he has become a